Source code for m2aia.ImageIO

from typing import Literal
from typing import List, Dict
from ctypes import create_string_buffer, c_void_p, c_uint32, c_char_p, c_double, c_float, c_ushort, POINTER
import pathlib
import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk

from .Library import get_library

m2NormalizationNone: str = 'None'
m2NormalizationTIC: str = 'TIC'
m2NormalizationSum: str = 'Sum'
m2NormalizationMean: str = 'Mean'
m2NormalizationMax: str = 'Max'
m2NormalizationRMS: str = 'RMS'
m2NormalizationInternal: str = 'Internal'
m2NormalizationExternal: str = 'External'
m2Normalization = Literal[f"{m2NormalizationTIC}", f"{m2NormalizationSum}", f"{m2NormalizationMean}",
                          f"{m2NormalizationMax}", f"{m2NormalizationRMS}", f"{m2NormalizationInternal}",
                          f"{m2NormalizationExternal}", f"{m2NormalizationNone}"]

m2SmoothingSavitzkyGolay: str = "SavitzkyGolay"
m2SmoothingGaussian: str = "Gaussian"
m2Smoothing = Literal[f"{m2SmoothingSavitzkyGolay}",
                      f"{m2SmoothingGaussian}", "None"]

m2PoolingMean: str = "Mean"
m2PoolingMedian: str = "Median"
m2PoolingMaximum: str = "Maximum"
m2PoolingSum: str = "Sum"
m2Pooling = Literal[f"{m2PoolingMean}", f"{m2PoolingMedian}",
                    f"{m2PoolingMaximum}", f"{m2PoolingSum}"]

m2BaselineCorrectionTopHat: str = "TopHat"
m2BaselineCorrectionMedian: str = "Median"
m2BaselineCorrection = Literal[f"{m2BaselineCorrectionTopHat}",
                               f"{m2BaselineCorrectionMedian}", "None"]

m2IntensityTransformationLog2: str = "Log2"
m2IntensityTransformationLog10: str = "Log10"
m2IntensityTransformationSquareRoot: str = "SquareRoot"
m2IntensityTransformation = Literal[f"{m2IntensityTransformationLog2}",
                                    f"{m2IntensityTransformationLog10}", f"{m2IntensityTransformationSquareRoot}", "None"]

[docs] class ImzMLReader(object): ''' Wrapper class for M2aia's imzML reader Complete processing examples with focus on deep learning can be found on Example usage:: import m2aia as m2 I = m2.ImzMLReader("path/to/imzMl/file.imzML") I.SetNormalization(m2.m2NormalizationTIC) I.SetIntensityTransformation(m2.m2IntensityTransformationSquareRoot) I.Execute() ys_2 = I.GetMeanSpectrum() i_2 = I.GetArray(imz, 75) ''' def __init__(self, imzML_path, baseline_correction: m2BaselineCorrection = "None", baseline_correction_half_window_size: int = 50, normalization: m2Normalization = "None", smoothing: m2Smoothing = "None", smoothing_half_window_size: int = 2, intensity_transformation: m2IntensityTransformation = "None", pooling: m2Pooling = m2PoolingMaximum): self.lib = get_library() HANDLE_PTR = c_void_p self.lib.CreateImageHandle.argtypes = [c_char_p] self.lib.CreateImageHandle.restype = HANDLE_PTR self.lib.DestroyImageHandle.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.DestroyImageHandle.restype = None self.lib.GetSize.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR, POINTER(c_uint32)] self.lib.GetSize.restype = None self.lib.GetSpacing.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, POINTER(c_double)] self.lib.GetSpacing.restype = None self.lib.GetOrigin.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, POINTER(c_double)] self.lib.GetOrigin.restype = None self.lib.GetXAxis.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, POINTER(c_double)] self.lib.GetXAxis.restype = None self.lib.GetXAxisDepth.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.GetXAxisDepth.restype = c_uint32 self.lib.GetImageArrayFloat64.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, c_double, c_double, POINTER(c_double)] self.lib.GetImageArrayFloat64.restype = None self.lib.GetImageArrayFloat32.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, c_double, c_double, POINTER(c_float)] self.lib.GetImageArrayFloat32.restype = None self.lib.GetMaskArray.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, POINTER(c_ushort)] self.lib.GetMaskArray.restype = None self.lib.GetIndexArray.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, POINTER(c_uint32)] self.lib.GetIndexArray.restype = None self.lib.GetNormalizationArray.argtypes =[ HANDLE_PTR, c_char_p, POINTER(c_double)] self.lib.GetNormalizationArray.restype = None self.lib.GetSpectrumType.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.GetSpectrumType.restype = c_uint32 self.lib.GetSpectrumDepth.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR, c_uint32] self.lib.GetSpectrumDepth.restype = c_uint32 self.lib.GetSizeInBytesOfYAxisType.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.GetSizeInBytesOfYAxisType.restype = c_uint32 self.lib.GetMeanSpectrum.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, POINTER(c_double)] self.lib.GetMeanSpectrum.restype = None self.lib.GetSpectrumPosition.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, c_uint32, POINTER(c_uint32)] self.lib.GetSpectrumPosition.restype = None self.lib.GetMaxSpectrum.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, POINTER(c_double)] self.lib.GetMaxSpectrum.restype = None self.lib.GetYDataTypeSizeInBytes.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.GetYDataTypeSizeInBytes.restype = c_uint32 self.lib.GetNumberOfSpectra.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.GetNumberOfSpectra.restype = c_uint32 self.lib.GetMetaDataDictionary.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.GetMetaDataDictionary.restype = c_char_p self.lib.DestroyCharBuffer.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.DestroyCharBuffer.restype = None self.lib.GetSpectrum.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, c_uint32, POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_float)] self.lib.GetSpectrum.restype = None self.lib.GetSpectra.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, c_void_p, c_uint32, POINTER(c_float)] self.lib.GetSpectra.restype = None self.lib.GetIntensities.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, c_void_p, c_uint32, POINTER(c_float)] self.lib.GetIntensities.restype = None self.lib.WriteContinuousCentroidImzML.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, c_char_p, POINTER(c_double), c_uint32] self.lib.WriteContinuousCentroidImzML.restype = None self.lib.SetSmoothing.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR, c_char_p, c_uint32] self.lib.SetSmoothing.restype = None self.lib.SetBaselineCorrection.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR, c_char_p, c_uint32] self.lib.SetBaselineCorrection.restype = None self.lib.SetNormalization.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR, c_char_p] self.lib.SetNormalization.restype = None self.lib.SetIntensityTransformation.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR, c_char_p] self.lib.SetIntensityTransformation.restype = None self.lib.SetPooling.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR, c_char_p] self.lib.SetPooling.restype = None self.lib.SetTolerance.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR, c_float] self.lib.SetTolerance.restype = None self.lib.GetTolerance.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.GetTolerance.restype = c_float self.lib.Update.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.Update.restype = None self.x_axis = None self.imzML_path = imzML_path self.handle = None self.spectrum_type_id = None self.spectrum_types = { 0 :'None' , 1: 'Profile', 2: 'Centroid', 4: 'Continuous', 8: 'Processed', 21: 'ContinuousProfile', 41:'ProcessedProfile', 70: 'ContinuousCentroid', 138:'ProcessedCentroid' } self.baseline_correction = baseline_correction self.baseline_correction_hws = baseline_correction_half_window_size self.smoothing = smoothing self.smoothing_hws = smoothing_half_window_size self.normalization = normalization self.intensity_transformation = intensity_transformation self.pooling = pooling # Read and initialize the image by creating a handle self.Load() def __delete__(self): self.lib.DestroyImageHandle(self.handle)
[docs] def Load(self): if self.handle is not None: self.lib.DestroyImageHandle(self.handle) cPath = create_string_buffer(self.imzML_path.encode()) self.handle = self.lib.CreateImageHandle(cPath) self.SetBaselineCorrection(self.baseline_correction, self.baseline_correction_hws) self.SetSmoothing(self.smoothing, self.smoothing_hws) self.SetNormalization(self.normalization) self.SetIntensityTransformation(self.intensity_transformation) self.SetPooling(self.pooling) self.lib.Update(self.handle) self.depth = self.lib.GetXAxisDepth(self.handle) # mean overview spectrum self.mean_spectrum = np.zeros(self.depth, dtype=np.float64) self.lib.GetMeanSpectrum(self.handle, self.mean_spectrum.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_double))) # max overview spectrum self.max_spectrum = np.zeros(self.depth, dtype=np.float64) self.lib.GetMaxSpectrum(self.handle, self.max_spectrum.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_double))) self.number_of_spectra = self.lib.GetNumberOfSpectra(self.handle) self.shape = self.GetShape() self.spectrum_type_id = self.lib.GetSpectrumType(self.handle) # XAxis self.x_axis = np.zeros(self.depth, dtype=np.float64) self.lib.GetXAxis(self.handle, self.x_axis.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_double)))
[docs] def path(self) -> pathlib.Path: '''Absolute path to the referenced imzML''' return pathlib.Path(self.imzML_path)
[docs] def dir(self) -> pathlib.Path: '''Absolute path to directory containing the referenced imzML ''' return self.path().parent
[docs] def name(self) -> str: '''Name (including file ending) of the given imzML''' return self.path().name
[docs] def WriteContinuousCentroidImzML(self, path : str, centroids): ''' Given a list of centroids, write a continuous centroid imzML to the given path. Use 'SetTolerance' to define the range query for each centroid (ppm). :param path: Target file path the <path>.imzML and the <path>.ibd is written to. :param centroids: a list of centroids. Example usage:: import m2aia as m2 I = m2.ImzMLReader("path/to/imzMl/file.imzML") I.Execute() I.SetTolerance(75) I.WriteContinuousCentroidImzML("path/to/imzMl/file.imzML", [300, 400, 500]) ''' cPath = create_string_buffer(path.encode()) centroids = np.array(centroids, dtype=np.double) self.lib.WriteContinuousCentroidImzML(self.handle, cPath, centroids.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_double)), len(centroids))
[docs] def CheckHandle(self): ''' Check if the handle was initialized properly. To prevent this check from throwing an exception you must call Execute() once. :raises: ReferenceError: is invalid file name and or not yet called Execute(). ''' if self.handle is None: raise ReferenceError( "Please initialize image handle by providing a valid file name and run the Execute() function of the reader!")
[docs] def GetParametersAsFormattedString(self): '''Transform signal processing parameters into a fomatted string representation.''' s = str() s += f"(baseline-correction {self.baseline_correction})\n" s += f"(baseline-correction-hw {self.baseline_correction_hws})\n" s += f"(smoothing {self.smoothing})\n" s += f"(smoothing-hw {self.smoothing_hws})\n" s += f"(normalization {self.normalization})\n" s += f"(pooling {self.pooling})\n" s += f"(transform {self.intensity_transformation})\n" return s
[docs] def SetSmoothing(self, strategy: m2Smoothing, half_window_size=2): '''Set the spectrum smoothing strategy. :param strategy: Set the smoothing strategy using one of the m2Smoothing literals. :param half_window_size: 2*half_window_size + 1 spectrum points used for smoothing. ''' self.smoothing = strategy self.smoothing_hws = half_window_size arg = create_string_buffer(strategy.encode()) self.lib.SetSmoothing(self.handle, arg, half_window_size)
[docs] def SetIntensityTransformation(self, strategy: m2IntensityTransformation): ''' Set the intensity transformation strategy. :param strategy: m2IntensityTransformation Set the intensity transformation strategy using one of the m2IntensityTransformation literals. ''' self.intensity_transformation = strategy arg = create_string_buffer(strategy.encode()) self.lib.SetIntensityTransformation(self.handle, arg)
[docs] def SetBaselineCorrection(self, strategy: m2BaselineCorrection, half_window_size=50): '''Set the baseline correction strategy. :param strategy: Set the basline correction strategy using one of the m2BaselineCorrection literals. :param half_window_size: 2*half_window_size + 1 spectrum points are used for BaselineCorrection. ''' self.baseline_correction = strategy self.baseline_correction_hws = half_window_size arg = create_string_buffer(strategy.encode()) self.lib.SetBaselineCorrection(self.handle, arg, half_window_size)
[docs] def SetNormalization(self, strategy: m2Normalization): ''' Set the normalization strategy. :param strategy: m2Normalization Set the normalization strategy using one of the m2Normalization literals. ''' self.normalization = strategy arg = create_string_buffer(strategy.encode()) self.lib.SetNormalization(self.handle, arg)
[docs] def SetPooling(self, strategy: m2Pooling): ''' Set the pooling strategy. :param strategy: m2Pooling Set the pooling strategy using one of the m2Pooling literals. ''' self.pooling = strategy arg = create_string_buffer(strategy.encode()) self.lib.SetPooling(self.handle, arg)
[docs] def SetTolerance(self, tol: np.float32): ''' Set the tolerance value. :param tol: np.float32 The tolerance value to be set. ''' self.lib.SetTolerance(self.handle, tol)
[docs] def GetTolerance(self) -> np.float32: ''' Get the current tolerance value. :return: np.float32 The current tolerance value. ''' return self.lib.GetTolerance(self.handle)
[docs] def GetYDataType(self): '''Return the intensity data type defined in the imzML file. :return: np.float32 or np.float64; if not defined return None ''' self.CheckHandle() size_in_bytes = self.lib.GetYDataTypeSizeInBytes(self.handle) if size_in_bytes == 4: return np.float32 elif size_in_bytes == 8: return np.float64 else: return None
[docs] def GetShape(self) -> np.array: '''Get the shape of the image. :return: numpy array of size [3] for the x,y,z image dimensions (in number of pixels). ''' self.CheckHandle() shape = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.int32) self.lib.GetSize(self.handle, shape.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_uint32))) return shape
[docs] def GetSpacing(self) -> np.array: '''Get the pixel spacing of the image :return: numpy array of size [3] and dtype=np.float64 for the pixel size in x,y,z dimension (in millimeter). ''' self.CheckHandle() spacing = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float64) self.lib.GetSpacing(self.handle, spacing.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_double))) return spacing
[docs] def GetSpectrumPosition(self, id) -> np.array: '''Get the image index position for a given spectrum id. :param id: the id of a spectrum (may be different to the ids given in the imzML). :return: Position in index coordinates as numpy array of size [3] and dtype=np.int32. ''' self.CheckHandle() pos = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.int32) self.lib.GetSpectrumPosition(self.handle, id, pos.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_uint32))) return pos
[docs] def GetMetaData(self) -> Dict[str,str]: '''Returns a dictionary of all meta data information retrieved by m2aia. :return: List of strings of meta data. ''' self.CheckHandle() separator = '\t' data = self.lib.GetMetaDataDictionary(self.handle) lines = [f.strip() for f in data.decode("utf-8").split('\n') if len(f.strip()) > 0] return { line.split(separator)[0]:line.split(separator)[1] if len(line.split(separator)) > 0 else "true" for line in lines}
[docs] def GetOrigin(self) -> np.array: '''Get the image origin. :return: The origin in world coordinates of the image as numpy array of size [3] and dtype=np.float64. ''' self.CheckHandle() origin = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float64) self.lib.GetOrigin(self.handle, origin.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_double))) return origin
[docs] def GetMaskArray(self) -> np.ndarray: ''' Get the mask image data as numpy array. The binary mask indicates valid spectra (pixel value >= 1) and background (pixel value == 0). :return: Numpy array of size [x,y,z] with dtype=np.ushort. ''' self.CheckHandle() slice = np.zeros(self.GetShape()[::-1], dtype=np.ushort) self.lib.GetMaskArray( self.handle, slice.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_ushort))) return slice
[docs] def GetMaskImage(self) -> sitk.Image: ''' Get the mask image data as parameterized SimpleITK.Image. The pixel values indicate valid spectra (pixel value >= 1) and background (pixel value == 0). :return: sitk.Image of size [x,y,z] with dtype=np.ushort. ''' self.CheckHandle() slice = self.GetMaskArray() spacing = self.GetSpacing() origin = self.GetOrigin() I = sitk.GetImageFromArray(slice) I.SetSpacing(spacing) I.SetOrigin(origin) return I
[docs] def GetIndexArray(self) -> np.ndarray: ''' Get the index image data as numpy array. The pixel values are the spectrum ids (pixel value >= 1) and background (pixel value == 0). :return: Numpy array of size [x,y,z] with dtype=np.uint32. ''' self.CheckHandle() slice = np.zeros(self.GetShape()[::-1], dtype=np.uint32) self.lib.GetIndexArray( self.handle, slice.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_uint32))) return slice
[docs] def GetIndexImage(self): ''' Get the index image data as parameterized SimpleITK.Image. The pixel values are the spectrum ids (pixel value >= 1) and background (pixel value == 0). :return: sitk.Image of size [x,y,z] with dtype=np.uint32. ''' self.CheckHandle() slice = self.GetIndexArray() spacing = self.GetSpacing() origin = self.GetOrigin() I = sitk.GetImageFromArray(slice) I.SetSpacing(spacing) I.SetOrigin(origin) return I
[docs] def GetNormalizationArray(self, type) -> np.ndarray: ''' Get a normalization image data as numpy array. :return: Numpy array of size [x,y,z] with dtype=np.float64. ''' self.CheckHandle() arg = create_string_buffer(type.encode()) image = np.zeros(self.GetShape()[::-1], dtype=np.float64) self.lib.GetNormalizationArray( self.handle, arg, image.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))) return image
[docs] def GetNormalizationImage(self, type) -> sitk.Image: ''' Get a normalization image data as parameterized SimpleITK.Image. :return: sitk.Image of size [x,y,z] with dtype=np.float64. ''' self.CheckHandle() slice = self.GetNormalizationArray(type) spacing = self.GetSpacing() origin = self.GetOrigin() I = sitk.GetImageFromArray(slice) I.SetSpacing(spacing) I.SetOrigin(origin) return I
[docs] def GetArray(self, center, tol, dtype=np.float32, squeeze: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: ''' Get the (ion) image data as numpy array. The pixel values are the pooled intensities (ie. pooling strategies like the 'Mean', 'Median', 'Maximum', or 'Sum') in the interval [center-tol, center+tol] of the spectra. :return: Numpy array of size [x,y,z] with dtype=dtype. :param center: value on the x axis. :param tol: tolerance for query points on the x axis around the center. :param dtype: array element type [np.float32, np.float64]. :param squeeze: Remove all dimensions if any is smaller or equals 1. :raises: TypeError: Image pixel type is not one of [np.float32, np.float64] ''' self.CheckHandle() xs = self.GetXAxis() if center < np.min(xs) or center > np.max(xs): raise ValueError("Center is out of x-axis range!", center, tol, dtype, squeeze) slice = np.zeros(self.GetShape()[::-1], dtype=dtype) if dtype == np.float32: self.lib.GetImageArrayFloat32( self.handle, center, tol, slice.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float))) elif dtype == np.float64: self.lib.GetImageArrayFloat64( self.handle, center, tol, slice.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))) else: raise TypeError( "Image pixel type is not one of [np.float32, np.float64].") if squeeze: return np.squeeze(slice) return slice
[docs] def GetImage(self, center, tol, dtype=np.float32) -> sitk.Image: ''' Get the (ion) image data as parameterized SimpleITK.Image. :meth:`m2aia.ImzMLReader.GetArray` :return: sitk.Image of size [x,y,z] with dtype=dtype. :param center: value on the x axis. :param tol: tolerance for query points on the x axis around the center. :param dtype: array element type [np.float32, np.float64]. :param squeeze: Remove all dimensions if any is smaller or equals 1. :raises: TypeError: Image pixel type is not one of [np.float32, np.float64] ''' array = self.GetArray(center, tol, dtype) spacing = self.GetSpacing() origin = self.GetOrigin() I = sitk.GetImageFromArray(array) I.SetSpacing(spacing) I.SetOrigin(origin) return I
[docs] def GetMeanSpectrum(self) -> np.array: ''' Get the overview spectrum (mean over all spectra). :return: np.array with mean intensity values of all spectra. ''' self.CheckHandle() return self.mean_spectrum
[docs] def GetMaxSpectrum(self) -> np.array: ''' Get the overview spectrum (max over all spectra). :return: np.array with maximum intensity values of all spectra. ''' self.CheckHandle() return self.max_spectrum
[docs] def GetXAxis(self) -> np.array: ''' Get the x axis values (i.e. m/z values on the x axis). :return: np.array ''' self.CheckHandle() return self.x_axis
[docs] def GetXAxisDepth(self) -> int: ''' Get the size of the x axis. For processed imzML files, this value is the number of bins used to represent the x-axis. :return: Number of x values. ''' self.CheckHandle() return self.depth
[docs] def GetSpectrumDepth(self, id) -> int: ''' Get the size of the x axis for a specific spectrum of the image. This method is helpful for processed (centroid) imzML files. For continuous (centroid/profile) imzML files use GetXAxisDepth(self). :param id: Id of a spectrum in the image. :return: Number of x values. ''' self.CheckHandle() depth = self.lib.GetSpectrumDepth(self.handle, id) if depth <= 0: raise RuntimeError("Spectrum depth can not be 0!") return depth
[docs] def GetSpectrumType(self) -> str: '''Get the imzML type, i.e. continuous/processed profile/centroid. :return: The type of the imzML as string. ''' self.CheckHandle() return self.spectrum_types[self.spectrum_type_id]
[docs] def GetSizeInBytesOfYAxisType(self) -> int: '''Get number of bytes used to store the intensity values. :return: The number of bytes. ''' self.CheckHandle() return self.lib.GetSizeInBytesOfYAxisType(self.handle)
[docs] def GetSpectrum(self, index) -> List[np.array]: ''' Query the x-axis (xs) and y-axis (ys) values for a given spectrum id. :param index: Id of a spectrum in the image. :return: A list of two np.array elements [xs,ys]. xs = x-values; ys = y-values. :raises: IndexError: if index is not in the range of valid spectra indices [0,self.number_of_spectra-1]. ''' self.CheckHandle() if index < 0 or index >= self.number_of_spectra: raise IndexError( "Index " + str(index) + " out of range of valid spectrum indices [0," + str(self.number_of_spectra - 1) + "] ") depth = self.GetSpectrumDepth(index) xs = np.zeros(depth, dtype=np.float32) ys = np.zeros(depth, dtype=np.float32) self.lib.GetSpectrum(self.handle, index, xs.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_float)), ys.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_float))) return [xs, ys]
[docs] def GetIntensities(self, index, ys = None) -> np.array: ''' Query the y-axis (ys) values for a given spectrum id. :param index: Id of a spectrum in the image. :param ys: By passing a np.array (dtype=np.float32) from external, this np.array can be reused and do not require an extra memory allocation. Otherwise a new array is created. :return: A list of two np.array elements [xs,ys]. xs = x-values; ys = y-values. :raises: IndexError: if index is not in the range of valid spectra indices [0,self.number_of_spectra-1]. TypeError: if the ImzML file format is not continuous profile/centroid! ''' self.CheckHandle() if index < 0 or index >= self.number_of_spectra: raise IndexError( "Index " + str(index) + " out of range of valid spectrum indices [0," + str(self.number_of_spectra - 1) + "] ") if not 'Continuous' in self.GetSpectrumType(): raise TypeError( f"The ImzML format has to be in Continuous format! Current format ist {self.GetSpectrumType()}!\nUse GetSpectrum(...) instead.") if ys is None: ys = np.zeros(self.depth, dtype=np.float32) if ys.shape[0] != self.depth: np.resize(ys, (self.depth)) self.lib.GetIntensities( self.handle, index, ys.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float))) return ys
[docs] def GetSpectra(self, indices: List[int]) -> np.ndarray: ''' Query a set of intensities by a list of indices. Only continuous imzML files. :param indices: List of Ids of spectra in the image. :return: a np.ndarray of shape [len(indices), self.depth]. :raises: IndexError: if index is not in the range of valid spectra indices [0,self.number_of_spectra-1]. TypeError: if the ImzML file format is not continuous profile/centroid! ''' self.CheckHandle() for index in indices: if index < 0 or index >= self.number_of_spectra: raise IndexError( "Index " + str(index) + " out of range of valid spectrum indices [0," + str(self.number_of_spectra - 1) + "] ") if not 'Continuous' in self.GetSpectrumType(): raise TypeError( f"The ImzML format has to be in Continuous format! Current format ist {self.GetSpectrumType()}!\nUse GetSpectrum(...) instead.") batch_size = len(indices) ys_batch = np.zeros([batch_size, self.depth], dtype=np.float32) idx = np.array(indices, dtype=np.uint32) self.lib.GetSpectra(self.handle, idx.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_uint32)), batch_size, ys_batch.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_float))) return ys_batch
[docs] def GetNumberOfSpectra(self) -> int: '''Get the number of valid spectra in the image. This can be used to iterate over all spectra in the image using a for loop:: for i in range(GetNumberOfSpectra()): xs, ys = reader.GetSpectrum(i) :return: Number of valid spectra. ''' self.CheckHandle() return self.number_of_spectra
[docs] def SpectrumIterator(self): '''Create a spectrum iterator/generator, yielding all valid spectra. This can be used to iterate over all spectra in the image using a for loop:: for i,xs,ys in reader.SpectrumIterator(): ... :return: a triplet with (i=spectrum-id, xs=x-values, ys=y-values) ''' self.CheckHandle() for i in range(self.number_of_spectra): xs, ys = self.GetSpectrum(i) yield i, xs, ys
[docs] def SpectrumRandomBatchIterator(self, batch_size): '''Create a spectrum batch iterator/generator, yielding a batch of ys-values of spectra in a random order with repetitions. Example:: for ys_batch in reader.SpectrumRandomBatchIterator(batch_size = N): ... :return: a np.array as batch of intensities with shape [batch_size, self.depth] ''' self.CheckHandle() while (True): ids = np.random.random_integers( 0, self.number_of_spectra-1, batch_size) data = np.array([self.GetSpectrum(int(i))[1] for i in ids]) yield data
# def _NeighborsStructureElement(self,neighbors, shape): # N = # d = np.array(N*[0]) # d[:neighbors] = 1 # random.shuffle(d) # while d[N//2] == 1: # random.shuffle(d) # d[N//2] = 1 # return np.reshape(d,shape) # def BatchIteratorWithNNeighbors(self, batch_size, shuffle=True, neighbors=3): # """ # 1 random entry + subsequently n neighbors # [random sample x] # [neighbor n-1] # [neighbor n-2] # ... # [neighbor n-n] # """ # assert(batch_size%(neighbors+1) == 0) # ids = [i+1 for i in range(self.GetNumberOfSpectra())] # pos = np.zeros((len(ids),3),np.int32) # for i in ids: # pos[i-1] = self.GetSpectrumPosition(i-1) # spatial_representation = np.zeros(self.GetShape()[:2]) # spatial_representation[pos[:,0], pos[:,1]] = ids # missing_values = len(ids) % batch_size # # ensure full batches by padding the id list # ids = np.pad(ids, (missing_values//2 + missing_values%2, missing_values//2), mode='reflect') # assert((len(ids) % batch_size) != 0) # structure_element = self._NeighborsStructureElement(neighbors, [3,3]) # if shuffle: # random.shuffle(ids) # number_of_seeds = batch_size // (neighbors+1) # # generate batches until all ids are touched once # for p in range(len(ids) // batch_size - 1): # neighbor_ids = [] # for seed in ids[p*number_of_seeds:(p+1)*number_of_seeds]: # seed_id = seed # while True: # mask = ndimage.binary_dilation(spatial_representation == seed_id, structure=structure_element).astype(bool) # masking_result = spatial_representation[mask] # if len(masking_result) != (neighbors + 1): # seed_id = ids[random.randint(0,len(ids)-1)] # else: # break # masking_result[masking_result == 0] = masking_result[masking_result != 0][0] # neighbor_ids.append(masking_result) # data = np.array([self.GetSpectrum(int(i-1))[1] for i in np.reshape(neighbor_ids,(-1))]) # yield data # yield None