Source code for m2aia.utils.binning

from collections import Counter
import numpy as np
import m2aia as m2

## .grouperStrict
##  strict grouping function
##  Don't allow peaks of one sample in the same bin.
## params:
##  mass: double, sorted mass
##  intensities: double, corresponding intensities
##  samples: double, corresponding sample id numbers
##  tolerance: double, maximal deviation of a peak position to be
##             considered as same peak
## returns:
##  NA if further splitting is needed
##  meanMass (double) if all criteria are matched
[docs] def grouper_strict(xs, ys, sources, tolerance): counts = Counter(sources) if any([key for key, count in counts.items() if count >1]): return None mean_xs = np.mean(xs) if any(np.abs(xs - mean_xs) / mean_xs > tolerance): return None return mean_xs, counts
[docs] def group_binning(xs, ys, ss, grouper, tolerance=0.002): """ xs: sorted list of m/z values of peaks ys: sorted list of intensities according to xs sorting ss: sorted list of source indices according to xs sorting grouper: binning method tolerance: TODO Returns bin_assignments: assigns each entry in sorted list to the corresponding bin, so that xs[bin_assignments==k] returns all xs values corresponding to the k'th bin bin_xs: new xs center values of the bins counts: the count of pixels associated with each peak """ d = xs[1:] - xs[:-1] bin_assignments = np.zeros_like(xs,dtype=int) n = len(xs) boundary = [] boundary.append((0,n)) current_id = 0 bin_counts = [] bin_xs = [] while len(boundary): left, right = boundary.pop() gapIdx = np.argmax(d[left:right-1]) + left + 1 # check left interval l = grouper(xs[left: gapIdx], ys[left: gapIdx], ss[left: gapIdx], tolerance) if l == None: boundary.append((left,gapIdx)) else: bin_assignments[left: gapIdx] = current_id x, c = l bin_counts.append(c) bin_xs.append(x) current_id+=1 # check right interval r = grouper(xs[gapIdx: right], ys[gapIdx: right], ss[gapIdx:right], tolerance) if r == None: boundary.append((gapIdx, right)) else: bin_assignments[gapIdx:right] = current_id x, c = r bin_counts.append(c) bin_xs.append(x) current_id+=1 bin_assign = np.zeros_like(bin_assignments) for i, k in enumerate(list( dict.fromkeys(bin_assignments.tolist()))): bin_assign[bin_assignments==k] = i #bin id starts by 1 bin_xs = np.array(bin_xs) sort_indices = np.argsort(bin_xs) return bin_assign, bin_xs[sort_indices], [bin_counts[c] for c in sort_indices]
[docs] def bin_peaks(image: m2.ImzMLReader, mask: np.array = None): print("Bin peaks for :", image.GetSpectrumType()) if "ProcessedCentroid" != image.GetSpectrumType(): raise TypeError("Image has to be of type ProcessedCentroid") if mask is not None: indices = image.GetIndexArray()[mask>0] else: indices = image.GetIndexArray()[image.GetMaskArray()>0] # BIN PEAKS xs_list = [] # list of all mz values ys_list = [] # list of all intensities ss_list = [] # list of source indices for i in indices: xs,ys = image.GetSpectrum(i) xs_list.extend(xs) ys_list.extend(ys) ss_list.extend(len(xs) * [i]) # sort lists sort_indices = np.argsort(xs_list) xs_list = np.array(xs_list)[sort_indices] ys_list = np.array(ys_list)[sort_indices] ss_list = np.array(ss_list)[sort_indices] print("Start binning on ", len(xs_list), "individual m/z values found in", np.sum(mask>0), "pixels.") return group_binning(xs_list, ys_list, ss_list, grouper_strict)