Source code for m2aia.ImageIO

from typing import Literal
from typing import List, Dict
from ctypes import create_string_buffer, c_void_p, c_uint32, c_char_p, c_double, c_float, c_ushort, POINTER
import pathlib
import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk

from .Library import get_library

m2NormalizationNone: str = 'None'
m2NormalizationTIC: str = 'TIC'
m2NormalizationSum: str = 'Sum'
m2NormalizationMean: str = 'Mean'
m2NormalizationMax: str = 'Max'
m2NormalizationRMS: str = 'RMS'
m2NormalizationInternal: str = 'Internal'
m2NormalizationExternal: str = 'External'
m2Normalization = Literal[f"{m2NormalizationTIC}", f"{m2NormalizationSum}", f"{m2NormalizationMean}",
                          f"{m2NormalizationMax}", f"{m2NormalizationRMS}", f"{m2NormalizationInternal}",
                          f"{m2NormalizationExternal}", f"{m2NormalizationNone}"]

m2SmoothingSavitzkyGolay: str = "SavitzkyGolay"
m2SmoothingGaussian: str = "Gaussian"
m2Smoothing = Literal[f"{m2SmoothingSavitzkyGolay}",
                      f"{m2SmoothingGaussian}", "None"]

m2PoolingMean: str = "Mean"
m2PoolingMedian: str = "Median"
m2PoolingMaximum: str = "Maximum"
m2PoolingSum: str = "Sum"
m2Pooling = Literal[f"{m2PoolingMean}", f"{m2PoolingMedian}",
                    f"{m2PoolingMaximum}", f"{m2PoolingSum}"]

m2BaselineCorrectionTopHat: str = "TopHat"
m2BaselineCorrectionMedian: str = "Median"
m2BaselineCorrection = Literal[f"{m2BaselineCorrectionTopHat}",
                               f"{m2BaselineCorrectionMedian}", "None"]

m2IntensityTransformationLog2: str = "Log2"
m2IntensityTransformationLog10: str = "Log10"
m2IntensityTransformationSquareRoot: str = "SquareRoot"
m2IntensityTransformation = Literal[f"{m2IntensityTransformationLog2}",
                                    f"{m2IntensityTransformationLog10}", f"{m2IntensityTransformationSquareRoot}", "None"]

[docs] class ImzMLReader(object): ''' Wrapper class for M2aia's imzML reader Complete processing examples with focus on deep learning can be found on Example usage:: import m2aia as m2 I = m2.ImzMLReader("path/to/imzMl/file.imzML") I.SetNormalization(m2.m2NormalizationTIC) I.SetIntensityTransformation(m2.m2IntensityTransformationSquareRoot) ys = I.GetMeanSpectrum() xs = I.GetXAxis() ppm = 75 image_data = I.GetArray(xs[len(xs)//2], ppm) Example usage (Centroid Data with few features):: import m2aia as m2 import seaborn_image as sbi # a centroid dataset with a few (<100) features # original dataset: # processed centroid dataset: I = m2.ImzMLReader("MTBLS2639/150429_ew_section1_pos_centroids.imzML") xs = I.GetXAxis() xs = xs[::8] # show every 8th peak ion_images = [] for k in range(len(xs)): ion_images.append(I.GetArray(xs[k], 1)[0]) g = sbi.ImageGrid(ion_images, aspect=2/1) for x, ax in zip(xs, g.axes.flat): ax.set_title(f'm/z {x}', loc='left', fontsize=10) .. image:: images/grid.png ''' def __init__(self, imzML_path, baseline_correction: m2BaselineCorrection = "None", baseline_correction_half_window_size: int = 50, normalization: m2Normalization = "None", smoothing: m2Smoothing = "None", smoothing_half_window_size: int = 2, intensity_transformation: m2IntensityTransformation = "None", pooling: m2Pooling = m2PoolingMaximum): self.lib = get_library() HANDLE_PTR = c_void_p self.lib.CreateImageHandle.argtypes = [c_char_p] self.lib.CreateImageHandle.restype = HANDLE_PTR self.lib.DestroyImageHandle.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.DestroyImageHandle.restype = None self.lib.GetSize.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR, POINTER(c_uint32)] self.lib.GetSize.restype = None self.lib.GetSpacing.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, POINTER(c_double)] self.lib.GetSpacing.restype = None self.lib.GetOrigin.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, POINTER(c_double)] self.lib.GetOrigin.restype = None self.lib.GetXAxis.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, POINTER(c_double)] self.lib.GetXAxis.restype = None self.lib.GetXAxisDepth.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.GetXAxisDepth.restype = c_uint32 self.lib.GetImageArrayFloat64.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, c_double, c_double, POINTER(c_double)] self.lib.GetImageArrayFloat64.restype = None self.lib.GetImageArrayFloat32.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, c_double, c_double, POINTER(c_float)] self.lib.GetImageArrayFloat32.restype = None self.lib.GetMaskArray.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, POINTER(c_ushort)] self.lib.GetMaskArray.restype = None self.lib.GetIndexArray.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, POINTER(c_uint32)] self.lib.GetIndexArray.restype = None self.lib.GetNormalizationArray.argtypes =[ HANDLE_PTR, c_char_p, POINTER(c_double)] self.lib.GetNormalizationArray.restype = None self.lib.GetSpectrumType.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.GetSpectrumType.restype = c_uint32 self.lib.GetSpectrumDepth.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR, c_uint32] self.lib.GetSpectrumDepth.restype = c_uint32 self.lib.GetSizeInBytesOfYAxisType.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.GetSizeInBytesOfYAxisType.restype = c_uint32 self.lib.GetMeanSpectrum.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, POINTER(c_double)] self.lib.GetMeanSpectrum.restype = None self.lib.GetSpectrumPosition.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, c_uint32, POINTER(c_uint32)] self.lib.GetSpectrumPosition.restype = None self.lib.GetMaxSpectrum.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, POINTER(c_double)] self.lib.GetMaxSpectrum.restype = None self.lib.GetYDataTypeSizeInBytes.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.GetYDataTypeSizeInBytes.restype = c_uint32 self.lib.GetNumberOfSpectra.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.GetNumberOfSpectra.restype = c_uint32 self.lib.GetMetaDataDictionary.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.GetMetaDataDictionary.restype = c_char_p self.lib.DestroyCharBuffer.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.DestroyCharBuffer.restype = None self.lib.GetSpectrum.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, c_uint32, POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_float)] self.lib.GetSpectrum.restype = None self.lib.GetSpectra.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, c_void_p, c_uint32, POINTER(c_float)] self.lib.GetSpectra.restype = None self.lib.GetIntensities.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, c_void_p, c_uint32, POINTER(c_float)] self.lib.GetIntensities.restype = None self.lib.WriteContinuousCentroidImzML.argtypes = [ HANDLE_PTR, c_char_p, POINTER(c_double), c_uint32] self.lib.WriteContinuousCentroidImzML.restype = None self.lib.SetSmoothing.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR, c_char_p, c_uint32] self.lib.SetSmoothing.restype = None self.lib.SetBaselineCorrection.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR, c_char_p, c_uint32] self.lib.SetBaselineCorrection.restype = None self.lib.SetNormalization.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR, c_char_p] self.lib.SetNormalization.restype = None self.lib.SetIntensityTransformation.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR, c_char_p] self.lib.SetIntensityTransformation.restype = None self.lib.SetPooling.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR, c_char_p] self.lib.SetPooling.restype = None self.lib.SetTolerance.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR, c_float] self.lib.SetTolerance.restype = None self.lib.GetTolerance.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.GetTolerance.restype = c_float self.lib.Update.argtypes = [HANDLE_PTR] self.lib.Update.restype = None self.x_axis = None self.imzML_path = imzML_path self.handle = None self.spectrum_type_id = None self.spectrum_types = { 0 :'None' , 1: 'Profile', 2: 'Centroid', 4: 'Continuous', 8: 'Processed', 21: 'ContinuousProfile', 41:'ProcessedProfile', 70: 'ContinuousCentroid', 138:'ProcessedCentroid' } self.baseline_correction = baseline_correction self.baseline_correction_hws = baseline_correction_half_window_size self.smoothing = smoothing self.smoothing_hws = smoothing_half_window_size self.normalization = normalization self.intensity_transformation = intensity_transformation self.pooling = pooling # Read and initialize the image by creating a handle self.Load() def __delete__(self): self.lib.DestroyImageHandle(self.handle)
[docs] def Load(self): if self.handle is not None: self.lib.DestroyImageHandle(self.handle) cPath = create_string_buffer(self.imzML_path.encode()) self.handle = self.lib.CreateImageHandle(cPath) self.SetBaselineCorrection(self.baseline_correction, self.baseline_correction_hws) self.SetSmoothing(self.smoothing, self.smoothing_hws) self.SetNormalization(self.normalization) self.SetIntensityTransformation(self.intensity_transformation) self.SetPooling(self.pooling) self.lib.Update(self.handle) self.depth = self.lib.GetXAxisDepth(self.handle) # mean overview spectrum self.mean_spectrum = np.zeros(self.depth, dtype=np.float64) self.lib.GetMeanSpectrum(self.handle, self.mean_spectrum.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_double))) # max overview spectrum self.max_spectrum = np.zeros(self.depth, dtype=np.float64) self.lib.GetMaxSpectrum(self.handle, self.max_spectrum.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_double))) self.number_of_spectra = self.lib.GetNumberOfSpectra(self.handle) self.shape = self.GetShape() self.spectrum_type_id = self.lib.GetSpectrumType(self.handle) # XAxis self.x_axis = np.zeros(self.depth, dtype=np.float64) self.lib.GetXAxis(self.handle, self.x_axis.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_double)))
[docs] def path(self) -> pathlib.Path: '''Absolute path to the referenced imzML''' return pathlib.Path(self.imzML_path)
[docs] def dir(self) -> pathlib.Path: '''Absolute path to directory containing the referenced imzML ''' return self.path().parent
[docs] def name(self) -> str: '''Name (including file ending) of the given imzML''' return self.path().name
[docs] def WriteContinuousCentroidImzML(self, path : str, centroids): ''' Given a list of centroids, write a continuous centroid imzML to the given path. Use 'SetTolerance' to define the range query for each centroid (ppm). :param path: Target file path the <path>.imzML and the <path>.ibd is written to. :param centroids: a list of centroids. Example usage:: import m2aia as m2 I = m2.ImzMLReader("path/to/imzMl/file.imzML") I.SetTolerance(75) I.WriteContinuousCentroidImzML("path/to/imzMl/file.imzML", [300, 400, 500]) ''' cPath = create_string_buffer(path.encode()) centroids = np.array(centroids, dtype=np.double) self.lib.WriteContinuousCentroidImzML(self.handle, cPath, centroids.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_double)), len(centroids))
[docs] def CheckHandle(self): ''' Check if the handle was initialized properly. To prevent this check from throwing an exception you must call Execute() once. :raises: ReferenceError: is invalid file name and or not yet called Execute(). ''' if self.handle is None: raise ReferenceError( "Please initialize image handle by providing a valid file name and run the Execute() function of the reader!")
[docs] def GetParametersAsFormattedString(self): '''Transform signal processing parameters into a fomatted string representation.''' s = str() s += f"(baseline-correction {self.baseline_correction})\n" s += f"(baseline-correction-hw {self.baseline_correction_hws})\n" s += f"(smoothing {self.smoothing})\n" s += f"(smoothing-hw {self.smoothing_hws})\n" s += f"(normalization {self.normalization})\n" s += f"(pooling {self.pooling})\n" s += f"(transform {self.intensity_transformation})\n" return s
[docs] def SetSmoothing(self, strategy: m2Smoothing, half_window_size=2): '''Set the spectrum smoothing strategy. :param strategy: Set the smoothing strategy using one of the m2Smoothing literals. :param half_window_size: 2*half_window_size + 1 spectrum points used for smoothing. ''' self.smoothing = strategy self.smoothing_hws = half_window_size arg = create_string_buffer(strategy.encode()) self.lib.SetSmoothing(self.handle, arg, half_window_size)
[docs] def SetIntensityTransformation(self, strategy: m2IntensityTransformation): ''' Set the intensity transformation strategy. :param strategy: m2IntensityTransformation Set the intensity transformation strategy using one of the m2IntensityTransformation literals. ''' self.intensity_transformation = strategy arg = create_string_buffer(strategy.encode()) self.lib.SetIntensityTransformation(self.handle, arg)
[docs] def SetBaselineCorrection(self, strategy: m2BaselineCorrection, half_window_size=50): '''Set the baseline correction strategy. :param strategy: Set the basline correction strategy using one of the m2BaselineCorrection literals. :param half_window_size: 2*half_window_size + 1 spectrum points are used for BaselineCorrection. ''' self.baseline_correction = strategy self.baseline_correction_hws = half_window_size arg = create_string_buffer(strategy.encode()) self.lib.SetBaselineCorrection(self.handle, arg, half_window_size)
[docs] def SetNormalization(self, strategy: m2Normalization): ''' Set the normalization strategy. :param strategy: m2Normalization Set the normalization strategy using one of the m2Normalization literals. ''' self.normalization = strategy arg = create_string_buffer(strategy.encode()) self.lib.SetNormalization(self.handle, arg)
[docs] def SetPooling(self, strategy: m2Pooling): ''' Set the pooling strategy. :param strategy: m2Pooling Set the pooling strategy using one of the m2Pooling literals. ''' self.pooling = strategy arg = create_string_buffer(strategy.encode()) self.lib.SetPooling(self.handle, arg)
[docs] def SetTolerance(self, tol: np.float32): ''' Set the tolerance value. :param tol: np.float32 The tolerance value to be set. ''' self.lib.SetTolerance(self.handle, tol)
[docs] def GetTolerance(self) -> np.float32: ''' Get the current tolerance value. :return: np.float32 The current tolerance value. ''' return self.lib.GetTolerance(self.handle)
[docs] def GetYDataType(self): '''Return the intensity data type defined in the imzML file. :return: np.float32 or np.float64; if not defined return None ''' self.CheckHandle() size_in_bytes = self.lib.GetYDataTypeSizeInBytes(self.handle) if size_in_bytes == 4: return np.float32 elif size_in_bytes == 8: return np.float64 else: return None
[docs] def GetShape(self) -> np.array: '''Get the shape of the image. :return: numpy array of size [3] for the x,y,z image dimensions (in number of pixels). ''' self.CheckHandle() shape = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.int32) self.lib.GetSize(self.handle, shape.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_uint32))) return shape
[docs] def GetSpacing(self) -> np.array: '''Get the pixel spacing of the image :return: numpy array of size [3] and dtype=np.float64 for the pixel size in x,y,z dimension (in millimeter). ''' self.CheckHandle() spacing = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float64) self.lib.GetSpacing(self.handle, spacing.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_double))) return spacing
[docs] def GetSpectrumPosition(self, id) -> np.array: '''Get the image index position for a given spectrum id. :param id: the id of a spectrum (may be different to the ids given in the imzML). :return: Position in index coordinates as numpy array of size [3] and dtype=np.int32. ''' self.CheckHandle() pos = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.int32) self.lib.GetSpectrumPosition(self.handle, id, pos.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_uint32))) return pos
[docs] def GetMetaData(self) -> Dict[str,str]: '''Returns a dictionary of all meta data information retrieved by m2aia. :return: List of strings of meta data. ''' self.CheckHandle() separator = '\t' data = self.lib.GetMetaDataDictionary(self.handle) lines = [f.strip() for f in data.decode("utf-8").split('\n') if len(f.strip()) > 0] return { line.split(separator)[0]:line.split(separator)[1] if len(line.split(separator)) > 0 else "true" for line in lines}
[docs] def GetOrigin(self) -> np.array: '''Get the image origin. :return: The origin in world coordinates of the image as numpy array of size [3] and dtype=np.float64. ''' self.CheckHandle() origin = np.zeros((3), dtype=np.float64) self.lib.GetOrigin(self.handle, origin.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_double))) return origin
[docs] def GetMaskArray(self) -> np.ndarray: ''' Get the mask image data as numpy array. The binary mask indicates valid spectra (pixel value >= 1) and background (pixel value == 0). :return: Numpy array of size [x,y,z] with dtype=np.ushort. ''' self.CheckHandle() slice = np.zeros(self.GetShape()[::-1], dtype=np.ushort) self.lib.GetMaskArray( self.handle, slice.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_ushort))) return slice
[docs] def GetMaskImage(self) -> sitk.Image: ''' Get the mask image data as parameterized SimpleITK.Image. The pixel values indicate valid spectra (pixel value >= 1) and background (pixel value == 0). :return: sitk.Image of size [x,y,z] with dtype=np.ushort. ''' self.CheckHandle() slice = self.GetMaskArray() spacing = self.GetSpacing() origin = self.GetOrigin() I = sitk.GetImageFromArray(slice) I.SetSpacing(spacing) I.SetOrigin(origin) return I
[docs] def GetIndexArray(self) -> np.ndarray: ''' Get the index image data as numpy array. The pixel values are the spectrum IDs starting with 0. Use the mask array to identify valid spectrum IDs. Access valid spectrum IDs:: indexImage = I.GetIndexArray() maskImage = I.GetMaskArray() validIndices = indexImage[maskImage > 0] :return: Numpy array of size [x,y,z] with dtype=np.uint32. ''' self.CheckHandle() slice = np.zeros(self.GetShape()[::-1], dtype=np.uint32) self.lib.GetIndexArray( self.handle, slice.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_uint32))) return slice
[docs] def GetIndexImage(self): ''' Get the index image data as parameterized SimpleITK.Image. This method calls :func:`~m2aia.ImageIO.GetIndexArray` :return: sitk.Image of size [x,y,z] with dtype=np.uint32. ''' self.CheckHandle() slice = self.GetIndexArray() spacing = self.GetSpacing() origin = self.GetOrigin() I = sitk.GetImageFromArray(slice) I.SetSpacing(spacing) I.SetOrigin(origin) return I
[docs] def GetNormalizationArray(self, type) -> np.ndarray: ''' Get a normalization image data as numpy array. :return: Numpy array of size [x,y,z] with dtype=np.float64. ''' self.CheckHandle() arg = create_string_buffer(type.encode()) image = np.zeros(self.GetShape()[::-1], dtype=np.float64) self.lib.GetNormalizationArray( self.handle, arg, image.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))) return image
[docs] def GetNormalizationImage(self, type) -> sitk.Image: ''' Get a normalization image data as parameterized SimpleITK.Image. :return: sitk.Image of size [x,y,z] with dtype=np.float64. ''' self.CheckHandle() slice = self.GetNormalizationArray(type) spacing = self.GetSpacing() origin = self.GetOrigin() I = sitk.GetImageFromArray(slice) I.SetSpacing(spacing) I.SetOrigin(origin) return I
[docs] def GetArray(self, center, tol, dtype=np.float32, squeeze: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: ''' Get the (ion) image data as numpy array. The pixel values are the pooled intensities (ie. pooling strategies like the 'Mean', 'Median', 'Maximum', or 'Sum') in the interval [center-tol, center+tol] of the spectra. :return: Numpy array of size [x,y,z] with dtype=dtype. :param center: value on the x axis. :param tol: tolerance for query points on the x axis around the center in ppm. Tolerance is center +/- tol*center. :param dtype: array element type [np.float32, np.float64]. :param squeeze: Remove all dimensions if any is smaller or equals 1. :raises: TypeError: Image pixel type is not one of [np.float32, np.float64] ''' self.CheckHandle() xs = self.GetXAxis() if center < np.min(xs) or center > np.max(xs): raise ValueError("Center is out of x-axis range!", center, tol, dtype, squeeze) slice = np.zeros(self.GetShape()[::-1], dtype=dtype) if dtype == np.float32: self.lib.GetImageArrayFloat32( self.handle, center, tol, slice.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float))) elif dtype == np.float64: self.lib.GetImageArrayFloat64( self.handle, center, tol, slice.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))) else: raise TypeError( "Image pixel type is not one of [np.float32, np.float64].") if squeeze: return np.squeeze(slice) return slice
[docs] def GetImage(self, center, tol, dtype=np.float32) -> sitk.Image: ''' Get the (ion) image data as parameterized SimpleITK.Image. :meth:`m2aia.ImzMLReader.GetArray` :return: sitk.Image of size [x,y,z] with dtype=dtype. :param center: value on the x axis. :param tol: tolerance for query points on the x axis around the center in ppm. Tolerance is center +/- tol*center. :param dtype: array element type [np.float32, np.float64]. :param squeeze: Remove all dimensions if any is smaller or equals 1. :raises: TypeError: Image pixel type is not one of [np.float32, np.float64] ''' array = self.GetArray(center, tol, dtype) spacing = self.GetSpacing() origin = self.GetOrigin() I = sitk.GetImageFromArray(array) I.SetSpacing(spacing) I.SetOrigin(origin) return I
[docs] def GetMeanSpectrum(self) -> np.array: ''' Get the overview spectrum (mean over all spectra). :return: np.array with mean intensity values of all spectra. ''' self.CheckHandle() return self.mean_spectrum
[docs] def GetMaxSpectrum(self) -> np.array: ''' Get the overview spectrum (max over all spectra). :return: np.array with maximum intensity values of all spectra. ''' self.CheckHandle() return self.max_spectrum
[docs] def GetXAxis(self) -> np.array: ''' Get the x axis values (i.e. m/z values on the x axis). :return: np.array ''' self.CheckHandle() return self.x_axis
[docs] def GetXAxisDepth(self) -> int: ''' Get the size of the x axis. For processed imzML files, this value is the number of bins used to represent the x-axis. :return: Number of x values. ''' self.CheckHandle() return self.depth
[docs] def GetSpectrumDepth(self, id) -> int: ''' Get the size of the x axis for a specific spectrum of the image. This method is helpful for processed (centroid) imzML files. For continuous (centroid/profile) imzML files use GetXAxisDepth(self). :param id: Id of a spectrum in the image. :return: Number of x values. ''' self.CheckHandle() depth = self.lib.GetSpectrumDepth(self.handle, id) if depth <= 0: raise RuntimeError("Spectrum depth can not be 0!") return depth
[docs] def GetSpectrumType(self) -> str: '''Get the imzML type, i.e. continuous/processed profile/centroid. :return: The type of the imzML as string. ''' self.CheckHandle() return self.spectrum_types[self.spectrum_type_id]
[docs] def GetSizeInBytesOfYAxisType(self) -> int: '''Get number of bytes used to store the intensity values. :return: The number of bytes. ''' self.CheckHandle() return self.lib.GetSizeInBytesOfYAxisType(self.handle)
[docs] def GetSpectrum(self, index) -> List[np.array]: ''' Query the x-axis (xs) and y-axis (ys) values for a given spectrum id. :param index: Id of a spectrum in the image. :return: A list of two np.array elements [xs,ys]. xs = x-values; ys = y-values. :raises: IndexError: if index is not in the range of valid spectra indices [0,self.number_of_spectra-1]. ''' self.CheckHandle() if index < 0 or index >= self.number_of_spectra: raise IndexError( "Index " + str(index) + " out of range of valid spectrum indices [0," + str(self.number_of_spectra - 1) + "] ") depth = self.GetSpectrumDepth(index) xs = np.zeros(depth, dtype=np.float32) ys = np.zeros(depth, dtype=np.float32) self.lib.GetSpectrum(self.handle, index, xs.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_float)), ys.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_float))) return [xs, ys]
[docs] def GetIntensities(self, index, ys = None) -> np.array: ''' Query the y-axis (ys) values for a given spectrum id. :param index: Id of a spectrum in the image. :param ys: By passing a np.array (dtype=np.float32) from external, this np.array can be reused and do not require an extra memory allocation. Otherwise a new array is created. :return: A list of two np.array elements [xs,ys]. xs = x-values; ys = y-values. :raises: IndexError: if index is not in the range of valid spectra indices [0,self.number_of_spectra-1]. TypeError: if the ImzML file format is not continuous profile/centroid! ''' self.CheckHandle() if index < 0 or index >= self.number_of_spectra: raise IndexError( "Index " + str(index) + " out of range of valid spectrum indices [0," + str(self.number_of_spectra - 1) + "] ") if not 'Continuous' in self.GetSpectrumType(): raise TypeError( f"The ImzML format has to be in Continuous format! Current format ist {self.GetSpectrumType()}!\nUse GetSpectrum(...) instead.") if ys is None: ys = np.zeros(self.depth, dtype=np.float32) if ys.shape[0] != self.depth: np.resize(ys, (self.depth)) self.lib.GetIntensities( self.handle, index, ys.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float))) return ys
[docs] def GetSpectra(self, indices: List[int]) -> np.ndarray: ''' Query a set of intensities by a list of indices. Only continuous imzML files. :param indices: List of Ids of spectra in the image. :return: a np.ndarray of shape [len(indices), self.depth]. :raises: IndexError: if index is not in the range of valid spectra indices [0,self.number_of_spectra-1]. TypeError: if the ImzML file format is not continuous profile/centroid! ''' self.CheckHandle() for index in indices: if index < 0 or index >= self.number_of_spectra: raise IndexError( "Index " + str(index) + " out of range of valid spectrum indices [0," + str(self.number_of_spectra - 1) + "] ") if not 'Continuous' in self.GetSpectrumType(): raise TypeError( f"The ImzML format has to be in Continuous format! Current format ist {self.GetSpectrumType()}!\nUse GetSpectrum(...) instead.") batch_size = len(indices) ys_batch = np.zeros([batch_size, self.depth], dtype=np.float32) idx = np.array(indices, dtype=np.uint32) self.lib.GetSpectra(self.handle, idx.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_uint32)), batch_size, ys_batch.ctypes.data_as( POINTER(c_float))) return ys_batch
[docs] def GetNumberOfSpectra(self) -> int: '''Get the number of valid spectra in the image. This can be used to iterate over all spectra in the image using a for loop:: for i in range(GetNumberOfSpectra()): xs, ys = reader.GetSpectrum(i) :return: Number of valid spectra. ''' self.CheckHandle() return self.number_of_spectra
[docs] def SpectrumIterator(self): '''Create a spectrum iterator/generator, yielding all valid spectra. This can be used to iterate over all spectra in the image using a for loop:: for i,xs,ys in reader.SpectrumIterator(): ... :return: a triplet with (i=spectrum-id, xs=x-values, ys=y-values) ''' self.CheckHandle() for i in range(self.number_of_spectra): xs, ys = self.GetSpectrum(i) yield i, xs, ys
[docs] def SpectrumRandomBatchIterator(self, batch_size): '''Create a spectrum batch iterator/generator, yielding a batch of ys-values of spectra in a random order with repetitions. Example:: for ys_batch in reader.SpectrumRandomBatchIterator(batch_size = N): ... :return: a np.array as batch of intensities with shape [batch_size, self.depth] ''' self.CheckHandle() while (True): ids = np.random.random_integers( 0, self.number_of_spectra-1, batch_size) data = np.array([self.GetSpectrum(int(i))[1] for i in ids]) yield data
# def _NeighborsStructureElement(self,neighbors, shape): # N = # d = np.array(N*[0]) # d[:neighbors] = 1 # random.shuffle(d) # while d[N//2] == 1: # random.shuffle(d) # d[N//2] = 1 # return np.reshape(d,shape) # def BatchIteratorWithNNeighbors(self, batch_size, shuffle=True, neighbors=3): # """ # 1 random entry + subsequently n neighbors # [random sample x] # [neighbor n-1] # [neighbor n-2] # ... # [neighbor n-n] # """ # assert(batch_size%(neighbors+1) == 0) # ids = [i+1 for i in range(self.GetNumberOfSpectra())] # pos = np.zeros((len(ids),3),np.int32) # for i in ids: # pos[i-1] = self.GetSpectrumPosition(i-1) # spatial_representation = np.zeros(self.GetShape()[:2]) # spatial_representation[pos[:,0], pos[:,1]] = ids # missing_values = len(ids) % batch_size # # ensure full batches by padding the id list # ids = np.pad(ids, (missing_values//2 + missing_values%2, missing_values//2), mode='reflect') # assert((len(ids) % batch_size) != 0) # structure_element = self._NeighborsStructureElement(neighbors, [3,3]) # if shuffle: # random.shuffle(ids) # number_of_seeds = batch_size // (neighbors+1) # # generate batches until all ids are touched once # for p in range(len(ids) // batch_size - 1): # neighbor_ids = [] # for seed in ids[p*number_of_seeds:(p+1)*number_of_seeds]: # seed_id = seed # while True: # mask = ndimage.binary_dilation(spatial_representation == seed_id, structure=structure_element).astype(bool) # masking_result = spatial_representation[mask] # if len(masking_result) != (neighbors + 1): # seed_id = ids[random.randint(0,len(ids)-1)] # else: # break # masking_result[masking_result == 0] = masking_result[masking_result != 0][0] # neighbor_ids.append(masking_result) # data = np.array([self.GetSpectrum(int(i-1))[1] for i in np.reshape(neighbor_ids,(-1))]) # yield data # yield None